Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Ride Through Dreamland

September 2, 2011
I woke up to find out we were going to go back home today instead of tomorrow because it was a very cloudy, rainy day, not a beach day.  I was happy with this because I was so excited to see where I would be living for a year, but there was a long drive ahead of about 8 hours.  I was able to sleep for the first part and then realized that I was missing so much by sleeping.  Almost every hour the landscape completely changed, each time to something just as beautiful as the last.  We drove through olive trees, then grapes, then orange trees, then complete flatness, then mountains with red dirt and then finally to the North.  On the way we stopped in a town that they assimilate to New York because it has the tallest buildings in Spain.  It was a very funny sight.  It was obvious that the highrises were not built out of need for more space, but just for height.  There were random highrises popping out of the ground, all surrounded by grass and no other buildings, just the highrise.  There weren't blocks and the highrises weren't right next to each other.  It was very weird. He drove to the top of one of the hills and had a view of the whole city and the long, beautiful beach.  Then we were on our way.  Our next and last stop was Zaragoza.  Here is where my host father works and host brother goes to school.  They will come home every weekend because it is only an hour away from Sabiñanigo (the city I will be living in).  The city is nice, very industrial looking.  The apartment was very nice as well as Victor, my host brother, and his girlfriend.  Then we made our way to Sabiñanigo!

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